
Thursday, October 15, 2015

Gloria J Zucaro's "Workshop and Juried Show"

Tomorrow night I will be at the Art Centre 2015 32nd Annual Juried Art Show at the Elk Grove Village Library from 7-9 PM.
It is at 1001 Wellington Avenue in Elk Grove Village, Illinois.  I have three pastel paintings in the show.  It is a great opening, so come on out.  You can see the show each weekend up until November the eighth.

I am linking this post to Paint Party Friday.  Every week there are new pieces of art from over 100 artists in all media.

The Richard McKinley workshop was fabulous!  We were given so much wonderful information in the 5 days, that our heads were bursting.  It is a good thing I bought his book "100 Pastel Pointers" because much of the information is there to re-read.  I also have a few of his DVD's and I bought my favorite demonstration painting from him.

In the pictures below you see some first steps he suggested for whatever we paint.  Deciding on our composition, doing a line drawing with large shapes, a value sketch using lightest light, medium light, medium dark and darkest dark. and finally to do a Notan(black and white only) that combined the medium dark and dark into black and left the medium light and light all white..  Then he used washes of watercolors to set in the under painting in values and colors. Finally pastel is added on top for a completed painting.  The first picture is of one of his final pastel demos.  It is the one I bought! (:>)

Doing the prep work below

A line drawing

First watercolor wash

Second layer wash

Close-up of wash with all the interesting drips
Richard McKinley's Field box of pastels for Plein air painting.  He said because of all the ambient light outside, your darkest dark should never be darker than 6 1/2 on the value scale, so most of his color choices are quite light in value.

Next week I will show you my paintings from the workshop.
Have a good week,



  1. Looks like you had a great workshop. Good luck with the show tomorrow, I can't drop in, it's a tad toooooo far from here! Happy PPF, hugs, Valerie

  2. Lovely painting, great colours.
    Happy PPFxx

    1. Richard McKinley's work that I purchased at the workshop.

  3. Wow, that looks like an awesome workshop. You will learn a lot. Can't wait to see the finished painting

  4. fascinating workshop you have enjoyed. i can see why you bought that painting-it is gorgeous! Congrats on the juried show too!

    1. Thank you Linda. Yes, Richard McKinley is a wonderful artist!

  5. Lucky you! Wishing you a super Saturday at the Show. Happy PPF

  6. Thanks for sharing Gloria, can't wait to see your paintings next week.

  7. Congrats on being in the show! Those layers look wonderful ....

    1. Yes, Richard is a wonderful painter and instructor.

  8. Gorgeous and thank you so much for sharing your amazing process... Can't wait to see the completion and hear about your showing!! Best of luck and have fun!

    Hugs Giggles

  9. If I was closer, I'd go!
    Beautiful washes, it looks awesome already!

  10. WOW! Well, I shall look forward to seeing your finished painting!

  11. Hi Gloria, and congratulations on the the show. Your class looks fabulous. Well done on these pieces.

  12. Hope you had a great show. Looks like an interesting class.

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